What is GHW

The GHW project is included in the objective A area “Renewal and capitalization of distinctive expertise” because it is aimed at improving technical competence (both technological and managerial) of Italian wine businesses for the development and usage of innovative processes on the entire production chain as well as supporting capitalization in order to reach long-lasting competitive development thanks to protection, industrialization and diffusion process.

The project includes Industrial Research and Experimental Development integrated actions merged into an innovative, advanced, technological and organic technological system working with certified standards and which will help Italian wine producers to plan, analyse and control the whole production chain by preserving and improving the nutritional level of the wine, from transportation of raw material in the cellars and up to its eventual use.

The sub-area of the call to which GHW refers to is A5) “Technologies, production systems and products allocated to the improvement of the quality of life (chemistry, biology, nutrition)”.

This analysis and management system is totally web-based, for all company levels and interconnected with other external entities, it can be employed by all interested agents in the Italian wine production chain so as to provide qualitative and quantitative data with standard set terms – by means of special measurements and innovative devices based on detectors, micro organisms, enzymes, software and assisted technology throughout the different processes.

GHW system will be able to develop and improve in time (as a result of artificial intelligence techniques such as neural networks and fuzzy-logic models) offering businesses the correct precautionary or corrective actions so as to guarantee safer products with positive repercussions to health benefit.

The project follows the results of many scientific studies according to which wine, if consumed in the right quantities, contributes to improving the quality of life as it has been proved to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, enhance the immune system, slow down brain ageing and reduce neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson.

It also proves very positive against the Helicobacter pylorus (bacteria responsible for ulcer and possible cause of carcinoma and gastric lymphoma) and, according to recent studies in nutrition genomics, red wine in particular may prevent diabetes and controls cholesterol levels.

Even though the positive effects of wine have been renowned through scientific research it is also true that no business has been able to turn this influence into competitive means on the market, on the contrary it suffered repercussions due to the anti-alcohol campaign which played an important role in reducing general consumption.

Another backlash comes from the regulatory changes introduced with the new OCM on wine (nondescript wine in Northen Europe which lacks a tradition in wine production) thus the “made in Italy” should find innovative means to increase its competitiveness at international level. This could be achieved by following the most promising developments in the food sector comprising the “seven pillars”

of the Italian Food for Life (IF4L) which pinpoint major relevant areas (health, safety, quality) that include the description of research development features and the testing of derivative applications in accordance with market demands.

The GHW project will focus on this, appreciating the most important and valuable aspects of Italian wine that is its quality, intrinsic and perceived, nutritional values, emotional content and the possibility to preserve and communicate the product’s safety and health benefits.

It will do so by researching and developing along the whole production chain solutions based on detectors, organic detectors, antagonist micro organisms, enzymes and the results will merge in real time into an integrated technological system (the “Grape & Health Wine”) which will show the consumer the “best” wine and suggest to businesses when and how to step in to improve the quality of their produce; it will also support them to improve nutritional aspects and food safety (starting with the enhancement of the raw material up to the processing and preservation of the wine) with certification of progress according to quality and traceability standards.

The system could therefore provide information on real and effective nutritional and health values of a specific bottle of wine that has been purchased and would register in the system the consumer’s judgement, the registration on the web platform will be connected to the code quoted on the bottle (counter of chemical-physics data observed during the whole production process).

To sum up the GHW project is aimed at developing innovative technological solutions with the following aspects:

  • Development of innovative solutions able to improve the organic availability of specific nutritional components;
  • Improvement of organic elements of foodstuffs involved with pathogenic opposition mechanisms;
  • Development of innovative elements of foodstuff beneficial for human health;
  • Development of innovative solutions for the production of improved enzymes deriving from co-products, sub-products and food remains;
  • Nutritional-genomic applied technologies for the development of bioactive components of foodstuffs;
  • Application of components which are able to condition cellular control mechanisms both at cognitive and neurological levels.;